
Campus Outreach at Oregon State University

Pursuing a college education can challenge the faith of our children.  Our children are on their own for the first time, making their own decisions, and being bombarded by the teachings and beliefs of professors who are supposed to be “infallible”.  The University Christian Center (UCC) is a safe place for Oregon State University students and surrounding colleges where the truth resides and God has the opportunity to speak to these young adults.

The University Christian Center is a Bible-based campus ministry at Oregon State University and is an outreach of Circle Church of Christ.  As a community, the UCC is dedicated to becoming authentic and committed followers of Jesus.  Along with being a place to connect more with God, the UCC is a place to make eternal friendships with other Christians and be an encouragement on the journey together to become faithful disciples.

Circle Church of Christ is excited for the opportunity to work with the UCC and touch the lives of young adults.  Many opportunities are available for college students and church members to interact, work together, and build strong lasting relationships.  Some of these opportunities are listed below.  For more information go to osucc.com.



-Tuesday Nights:  Fall, Winter & Spring terms, 6:30-8:30pm at UCC

Tuesday Night FUSE (Fellowship, Up-Worship, Service, Evangelism) is a Bible study designed to be a safe place to ask tough questions.  The design of FUSE is to enjoy a home cooked meal or dessert provided by Circle Church of Christ members from 6:30-7:30 pm, followed by a relevant discussion about living as disciples of Christ.  Our Campus Minister presents an interactive lesson about the Bible or a relevant topic. Last year, we went through the book of Romans and had a class on healthy relationships. In both classes, participation is highly encouraged and we all grew in our faith and learned more about ourselves. Once a term, there is a “Stump-the-Chump” night, which is an opportunity to ask any question related to the Christian Faith and see if Jason Swick, our Campus Minister, or Josh Stutzman, our apprentice Campus Minister, can answer it.



We want to love our neighbors through acts of service. One way is our Spring Break mission trip to the Bay Area Rescue Mission where we get to share the gospel with kids and support the mission with acts of service. We also help with the Circle Church Clothing Giveaway and other service projects we come up with. We love to serve!



The Campbell Institute for Theological Education [CITE] offers accredited courses in Biblical Studies that can be transferred into the Oregon State University program.    Classes are offered for fall and winter terms.  For more information on the program, go to the osucc.com and click the CITE tab, or email Jason Swick at swick.jason@gmail.com.  These classes are open to members of Circle Church of Christ as well and classes can be audited if preferred.



The primary goal at the UCC is to fulfill Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”  Matthew 28:18-19

We accomplish this through:

-Prayer groups
-Bible studies
-Building strong relationships that allow us to be honest in love
-Tuesday Night FUSE


Feel free to call the UCC 541-753-4310 or visit their website, osucc.com, for more information.