

Today, with Christmas being a few days away, we come from hope and peace to joy: what is it, how to attain it, and why it matters, as well as particularly how it’s fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Temple Matters: Haggai 2:20-23

Temple Matters: Haggai 2:20-23

The last thing that God says through Haggai is that God has plans for Israel and her leaders, but the book ends as an open question – if they do this…but do they? In this series finale, Thomas brings the lessons of the last three weeks into focus, and teaches how our choices, like the

Temple Matters: Haggai 2:10-19

Temple Matters: Haggai 2:10-19

Obedience. Obedience doesn’t have the best connotation in today’s society, even among Christians. Indeed, even children are aware that obedience isn’t the most fun, and often will do things just because they HAVE to opposed to wanting to. Why can’t we do that with God, why is faithful obedience different than compliance, and why does

The End Times Church 3/4

The End Times Church 3/4

Romans 8:28 is an extremely well known verse and is often used to reassure Christians that no matter what, God will use whatever happens for the good of those who love Him, the church, according to His ultimate purpose. While there is truth in that way of thinking and interpreting, it’s also not completely right.

The End Times Church, Part 2/4

The End Times Church, Part 2/4

These are the end times- meaning every day since Jesus has been the end times (Hebrews 1:1-2). So how we do not only interpret these events around us (or do we) but what is our response? What is our vocation in a world of pain and hurt?