Matthew 11:20-30 – The Rest of the Kingdom

Matthew 11:20-30 – The Rest of the Kingdom

Denouncing cities? Claiming exclusivity? Saying our burden is light? CS Lewis once wrote that Jesus is either legend, lunatic, or Lord, and indeed, this passage is only something one of those could have said, only Jesus as LORD can make it be true and indeed something we can rest in and upon as truth.

Matthew 10:1-33 – The Messengers

Matthew 10:1-33 – The Messengers

Jesus’ messengers’ mission is to replicate & extend the mission of Jesus, notjust to proclaim it but demonstrate it to the world. Ours is to do the same, but what parallels can we draw from Jesus’ original messengers to us today? Quite a few.

Matthew 9 – What King Jesus Means

Matthew 9 – What King Jesus Means

After healing the leper, centurion’s servant, and calming the storm, Matthew continues to expound on who King Jesus is. Jesus’ authority is questioned when He heals the paralytic, He calls those who shouldn’t be called, and Matthew’s question starts to shift from who is this man to if this IS who this man is, what

Matthew 5:21-48 – An Antithetical Kingdom

Matthew 5:21-48 – An Antithetical Kingdom

After the introduction of the Kingdom Portrait of the Beatitudes, Jesus then delves into practical living, what the influence of salt and the beacon of light looks like among those who believed in Scripture. But Jesus just doesn’t teach new things or encourage, but He takes Scriptures that have been misapplied and redefines them for