Matthew 8:18-34 – Who is this man?

Matthew 8:18-34 – Who is this man?

Easter Sunday 2021 with a non-traditional text. A man tells Jesus he’ll follow Jesus wherever He goes, yet Jesus challenges his commitment. The apostles find themselves in a storm, and them in front of two demon possessed men. Happy Easter? In fact, these texts tell us a lot about the Easter story, and why the

Matthew 7:6-23 – Forming the Whole Picture

Matthew 7:6-23 – Forming the Whole Picture

Jesus continues on in the Sermon on the Mount in the form of a jigsaw puzzle – what He’s teaching isn’t directly related to the teaching before or after it, but yet is important to round out the complete picture of what a Kingdom, Beatitudes citizen looks like. In this passage, we find very applicable

Matthew 6:16-34 – The Idol of Mistrust

Matthew 6:16-34 – The Idol of Mistrust

Jesus is interested not only in what we do, but how and why we do it, very much because what and why we do things impacts our true focus of our worship, our trust, and how we view God in our lives. Today, we look at fasting, and what it means then to store up

Matthew 6:1-15 – Reordered Sacrifices

Matthew 6:1-15 – Reordered Sacrifices

As Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount, He begins to focus in from the general view of the Kingdom citizen into the practices, specifically the hypercritical practices, of the leaders around Him, with addressing giving, prayers, & fasting. Today we look at giving & praying, and look at how the Lord’s Prayer reorders our